Wealth Habits

Created to help you develop the long term habits of the wealthy.

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  • 14 Audios in All
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Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

On Tuesday, Carol and I were able to write our last check to a personal loan that we had with a credit union. We are so excited about that because now all we have left is our home mortgage. That means in the past 2.5 years we have eliminated $57,000 in credit card debt, 2 car loans, and the $15,000 personal loan. That’s the Financial Fitness Program working at its best right there!
Luis Medina

My husband DJ and I really started applying the principles of the Financial Fitness Program in November of 2014. We started our debt snowball by selling a costly truck and purchasing an old van for cash and applying that payment to the snowball. Then, we decided to ramp things up and we sold a rental home and a duplex that we owned. Using the equity from that, we paid off about $230,000 worth of debt and have the lowest monthly expenses we have ever had in our marriage. We also have two months of expenses saved up. Unfortunately, we still have a student loan and a credit card left, but with the money and knowledge we now have, those debts will be gone before we know it!!
Melissa Berezay

Wealth Habits Series

$120.00 (USD)
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